Business Type: Wholesale Landscape Nursery (Includes Land and Business Operations)
Location:Â South Zephyrhills / Crystal Springs, Florida 33542
Established:Â 2015, 9+ years of Well-managed Operations, Quality and Certified stock
Licenses:Â FDACS Licensed under Section 581.131, F.S.
Section 581-031(26), F.S. Compliant
Section 581.031(14), (15), F.S. Complaint
Property Characteristics:
Zoning: [A-C] Agricultural District (Per Section 503 Land Development Code)
Total Area:Â 16.33 Acres (2 tracts) (Tract 1:Â 11.85 Acres, Tract 2:Â 4.48 Acres)
Features and Infrastructure:
Perimeter fenced and gated
Structures: Pole Barn 30’ x 40’ with extensions, Secure storage, Shade
house 22’ x 30’ (not completed)
5-hp well with integrated irrigation spray/drip system
Liquid fertilizer injection system
Tractors and implements, mowers, tools, potting table, container reserve.
100% Container plants (Sizes from 1 Gal. to 45 Gal. and larger)
Florida Native Nursery Stock in various sizes, includes Woody
Ornamentals, Grasses and Ground cover, Crape Myrtles, Trees
Financial Highlights and Customer Base:
Cash Flow Positive
Cater to Landscape Contractors, Lawn maintenance companies, Nurseries
Building contractors and MunicipalitiesÂ
Growth Potential:Â
Encouraging, due to building boom in the Commercial and Residential markets
Expansion to vacant portions of property (Approx. 30% of total land available
for future expansion)
Marketing potential for the Nursery; and also as a Landscape Install division
Sale Includes:Â
Land – 16.33 Acres (2 tracts)
Nursery Plant Stock
Structures, Equipment and appurtenances.
Customer and Vendor Accounts
Strategic Advantages:
Near major thoroughfares, easy access for clients across Florida
High growth area with ongoing home and commercial construction.
For more details or to schedule a viewing, contact the Seller’s Agent.
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