23 acres of land recently appraised by our bank at $9.2M, so this is priced to move fast! in one of the most highly desirable areas in all of Central Florida. Right off of Highway 46, blocks from I4, here’s an offer for 23 acres of contiguous land located between three high-end neighborhoods and very nice commercial properties. Currently zoned for 544 residential units and 100’s of thousands of commercial SF, but can probably be rezoned for much more. Has several encumbrances. We have some public records/Due Diligence done, link to all the documents, including appraisal, is at end of these remarks. One scenario is a developer or environmental company that needs wetlands for relocating species needed to be moved promptly. Or, get your attorneys and engineers ready for the entitlement process and rezoning and make 30x on your money. Super low cost for this parcel, priced to sell quickly. Can connect you with the civil engineer that did the adjacent neighborhoods. Listing agent is owner, and small developer/GC, call for more information. Link to DD: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13blydAke-jql1yjULxA39GarhilkbYWQ?usp=sharing
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