Prime Commercial Property location on signal corner, State road 100 (Moody Drive) and John Anderson. This is a Fast-growing area. Opposite Beach Village Shopping Plaza, with Publix, Suntrust, Vystar, 7-11, Tire Store and Dental office, Several restaurants and stores. Southwest corner has a CVS and Sherwin Williams. Northwest corner will be a Veterinary Clinic. Several new housing subdivisions are being built to the North and South. First commercial property West of bridge.(169ft). Only bridge to beach within 6 miles. This is not an outparcel or part of an association. Parcel B is bordered by roads on 3 sides, SR100(276ft), Connecticut Ave(306ft), and Joyce St (242ft). Zoned General Commercial allows for many options. No Wetlands, Very high, Excellent drainage, Soil tests available on request. Adjacent lot A sold to Upscale CALIBER Carwash.
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